There was a time when St. Germain was reffered to, certainly in a pejorative fashion, as bartenders ketchup, appearing on every cocktial list in the city and spawning the phrase "can you like make me something with gin and cucumbers and st germaine?" at every bar. Every. Bar. Well thats long behind us. Whats the point of that story? This stuff is ACTUALLY bartenders ketchup. We add a little to everything. If a drink doesnt really gel, a bar spoon to a quarter ounce of this will pull it together. You should def add a spoonful to your Manhattans. Indispensble if you want to make anything tiki. Utilizing this as part of any orange liqueuer in a cocktial is just the best. Just sub out a small portion of whatever triple sec or what have you with this. I can't say enough good things about this stuff.
Monday - Friday |
11:00 am - 7:00 pm |
Saturday |
12:00 pm - 7:00 pm |
Sunday |
Closed |
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